Video Transcoding

Tools to transcode, inspect and convert videos.


Hi, created these tools to transcode my collection of Blu-ray Discs and DVDs into a smaller, more portable format while remaining high enough quality to be mistaken for the originals.
What makes these tools unique is the special ratecontrol system which achieves those goals.
This package is based on my original collection of Video Transcoding Scripts written in Bash. While still available online, those scripts are no longer in active development. Users are encouraged to install this Ruby Gem instead.
Most of the tools in this package are essentially intelligent wrappers around Open Source software like HandBrake, FFmpeg, MKVToolNix, and MP4v2. And they're all designed to be executed from the command line shell:
Even if you don't try any of my tools, you may find this "README" document helpful:


My Video Transcoding tools are designed to work on macOS, Linux and Windows. They're packaged as a Gem and require Ruby version 2.0 or later. See "Installing Ruby" if you don't have the proper version on your platform.
Use this command to install the package:
gem install video_transcoding
You may need to prefix that command with sudo in some environments:
sudo gem install video_transcoding


Use this command, or the variation prefixed with sudo, to update the package:
gem update video_transcoding


Most of the tools in this package require other software to function properly, specifically these command line programs:
Previewing the output of detect-crop is optional, but doing so uses mpv, a free, Open Source, and cross-platform media player.
You can download the command line version of HandBrake, called HandBrakeCLI, here:
On macOS, HandBrakeCLI and all its other dependencies can be easily installed via Homebrew, an add-on package manager:
brew install handbrake
brew install ffmpeg
brew install mkvtoolnix
brew install mp4v2
The optional crop previewing package can also be installed via Homebrew:
brew install mpv
On Linux, package management systems vary so it's best consult the indexes for those systems. But there's a Homebrew port available called Linuxbrew and it doesn't require root access.
On Windows, it's best to follow one of the two methods, manually installing binaries or installing into the Windows Subsystem for Linux, as described here:
When installing HandBrakeCLI or other downloaded programs, make sure the executable binary is in a directory listed in your PATH environment variable. On Unix-style systems like macOS and Linux, that directory might be /usr/local/bin.
If you're comfortable using Docker virtualization software, a pre-built container with everything you need, plus installation instructions, is available here:


Why transcode-video?

Videos from the iTunes Store are my template for a portable format while remaining high enough quality to be mistaken for the originals. Their files are very good quality, much smaller than the same video on a Blu-ray Disc, and play on a wide variety of devices.
HandBrake is a powerful video transcoding tool but it's complicated to configure. It has several presets but they aren't smart enough to automatically change bitrate targets and other encoding options based on different inputs. More importantly, HandBrake's default presets don't produce a predictable output size with sufficient quality.
HandBrake's "AppleTV 3" preset is closest to what I want but transcoding "Planet Terror (2007)" with it results in a huge video bitrate of 19.9 Mbps, very near the original of 22.9 Mbps. And transcoding "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)," while much smaller in output size, lacks detail compared to the original.
So, the transcode-video tool configures the x264 video encoder within HandBrake to use a modified constrained variable bitrate (CVBR) mode, and to automatically target bitrates appropriate for different input resolutions.
Input resolution Target video bitrate
1080p or Blu-ray video 6000 Kbps
720p 3000 Kbps
480i, 576p or DVD video 1500 Kbps
When audio transcoding is required, it's done in AAC format and, if the original is multi-channel surround sound, in Dolby Digital AC-3 format. Meaning the output can contain two tracks from the same source in different formats. And mono, stereo and surround inputs are all handled differently.
Input channels AAC track AC-3 track
Mono 80 Kbps none
Stereo 160 Kbps none
Surround 160 Kbps 640 Kbps with 5.1 channels
But most of these default settings and automatic behaviors can be easily overridden or augmented with additional command line options.

Why detect-crop?

HandBrake applies automatic crop detection by default. While it's usually correct, it does guess wrong often enough not to be trusted without review. For example, HandBrake's default behavior removes the top and bottom 140 pixels from "The Dark Knight (2008)" and "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)," losing significant portions of their full-frame content.
This is why transcode-video doesn't allow HandBrake to apply cropping by default.
Instead, the detect-crop tool leverages both HandBrake and FFmpeg to find the video cropping bounds. It then indicates whether those two programs agree. To aid in review, this tool prints commands to the terminal console allowing the recommended (or disputed) crop to be displayed, as well as a sample command line for transcode-video itself.

Why convert-video?

All videos from the iTunes Store are in MP4 format format. However, the transcode-video tool generates output in the more flexible Matroska format by default.
While you can easily change the behavior of transcode-video to generate MP4 format with a command line option, it's sometimes handy to convert between formats quickly without re-transcoding. The convert-video tool is designed for exactly that convenience.

Why query-handbrake-log?

The transcode-video tool creates both video files and .log files. While not nearly as entertaining, the cryptic .log file still contains useful information. And the query-handbrake-log can extract performance metrics, video bitrate and relative quality from those .log files into easily readable reports.


Each of my Video Transcoding tools has several command line options. The transcode-video tool is the most complex with over 40 of its own. Not all of those options are detailed here. Use --help to list the full set of options available for a specific tool, along with brief instructions on their usage:
transcode-video --help
This built-in help works even if a tool's software dependencies are not yet installed.
All of the tools can accept multiple inputs, but batch processing for transcode-video is still best handled by a separate script.
The transcode-video and detect-crop tools work best with video files:
transcode-video "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
However, both tools also accept disc image directories as input:
transcode-video "/path/to/Movie disc image directory/"
Disc image directories contain unencrypted backups of Blu-ray Discs or DVDs. Typically these formats include more than one video title. These additional titles can be bonus features, alternate versions of a movie, multiple TV show episodes, etc.
By default, transcode-video and detect-crop will automatically select the main feature in a disc image directory. Or they will select the first title, if the main feature can't be determined.
Both tools allow you to scan disc image directories, listing titles and tracks:
transcode-video --scan "/path/to/Movie disc image directory/"
So you can then select a specific title by number:
transcode-video --title 5 "/path/to/Movie disc image directory/"

Using transcode-video

The transcode-video tool automatically determines target video bitrate, number of audio tracks, etc. without any command line options, so using it can be as simple as:
transcode-video "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
That command creates, after a reasonable amount of time, two files in the current working directory:
The .log file can be used as input to the query-handbrake-log tool.

Changing output format

By default, the transcode-video tool generates output in Matroska format. To generate output in MP4 format, use the --mp4 option:
transcode-video --mp4 "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
Which will instead create:
To create MP4 output with the .m4v file extension instead of .mp4, use the --m4v option:
transcode-video --m4v "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
The .m4v file extension is more "iTunes-friendly," but the file content itself is exactly the same as a file with the .mp4 extension.

Improving performance

You can increase encoding speed by 70-80% with no easily perceptible loss in video quality by using the --quick option:
transcode-video --quick "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
The --quick option avoids the typical quality problems associated with the x264 video encoder's speed-based presets, especially as that speed increases.


No cropping is applied by default. Use the --crop TOP:BOTTOM:LEFT:RIGHT option and arguments to indicate the amount of black, non-content border to remove from the edges of your video.
This command removes the top and bottom 144 pixels, typical of a 2.40:1 widescreen movie embedded within 16:9 Blu-ray Disc video:
transcode-video --crop 144:144:0:0 "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
This command removes the left and right 240 pixels, typical of a 4:3 classic TV show embedded within 16:9 Blu-ray Disc video:
transcode-video --crop 0:0:240:240 "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
Use the detect-crop tool to determine the cropping bounds before transcoding.
You can also call the detect-crop logic from transcode-video with the single detect argument:
transcode-video --crop detect "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
However, be aware that detect can fail if HandBrake and FFmpeg disagree about the cropping values.

Understanding audio

By default, the transcode-video tool selects the first audio track in the input as the main audio track. This is the first track in the output and the default track for playback.
But you can select any input audio track as the main track. In this case, track number 3:
transcode-video --main-audio 3 "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
Or you can select the first input audio track in a specific language using a three-letter code instead of a track index number. This command selects the first Spanish language track:
transcode-video --main-audio spa "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
If no track in the target language is found, then selection defaults to the first audio track in the input.
You can also give the main audio track a custom name:
transcode-video --main-audio 3="Original Stereo" "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
Unlike HandBrakeCLI, custom track names are allowed to contain commas.
By default, only one track is selected as the main audio or default track. But you can add additional tracks, also with custom names:
transcode-video --add-audio 4 --add-audio 5="Director Commentary" "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
Or you can add all audio tracks with a single option and argument:
transcode-video --add-audio all "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
You can also add audio tracks selected by their three-letter language code. This command adds all French and Spanish language tracks in the same order they're found in the input:
transcode-video --add-audio fra,spa "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
By default, the main audio track is transcoded in AAC format and, if the original is multi-channel surround sound, in Dolby Digital AC-3 format. Meaning the output can contain two tracks from the same source in different formats. So, main audio output is "wide" enough for "double" tracks.
Also by default, any added audio tracks are only transcoded in AAC format. Meaning the output only contains a single track in one format. So, additional audio output is only "wide" enough for "stereo" tracks.
However, you can change the "width" of main audio or additional audio output using the --audio-width option. There are three possible widths: double, surround and stereo.
Use this command to treat any other additional audio tracks just like the main audio track:
transcode-video --audio-width other=double "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
Or use this command to make main audio output as a single track but still allow it in surround format:
transcode-video --audio-width main=surround "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
If possible, audio is first passed through in its original format, providing that format is either AC-3 or AAC. This hardly ever works for Blu-ray Discs but it often will for DVDs and other random videos.
However, you can still copy audio tracks and maintain their original format, provided HandBrake and your selected file format support it:
transcode-video --copy-audio all "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
The --copy-audio option doesn't implicitly add audio tracks to be copied. Since only the main audio track is included by default, the previous command only tries to copy that track. To also copy another track, you must first add it:
transcode-video --add-audio 4 --copy-audio all "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
Be aware that copying audio tracks in their original format will likely defeat two very important goals of transcoding: portability and compression.

Understanding subtitles

By default, the transcode-video tool automatically burns any forced subtitle track it detects into the output video track. "Burning" means that the subtitle becomes part of the video itself and isn't retained as a separate track. A "forced" subtitle track is detected by a special flag on that track in the input.
But you can select any subtitle track for burning. In this case, track number 3:
transcode-video --burn-subtitle 3 "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
You can also use a special "scan" mode of HandBrake to find any embedded forced subtitle track that's in the same language as the main audio track:
transcode-video --burn-subtitle scan "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
Be aware that using this special "scan" mode does not always work. Sometimes it won't find any track or, worse, it will find the wrong track. And you won't know whether it worked until the transcoding is complete.
Burning subtitles into the output video works best for "forced" rather than optional subtitles. But it's still a much better idea than adding subtitle tracks in their original format to the output file.
Blu-ray Disc and DVD subtitles are bitmap formats. They're not text. They're large, unwieldy and may not appear correctly if you crop your video. Blu-ray Disc-format subtitles aren't even allowed in MP4 output. And DVD-format subtitles, while allowed, often won't display at all in many MP4 players.
However, you can leverage programs like SUBtools or Subtitle Edit to extract Blu-ray Disc and DVD subtitles and convert them into text format. Be aware that while both of these programs can perform automatic character recognition of the subtitle bitmaps, you'll still need to edit the output text by hand. Even the best automatic character recognition is still wrong far too often.
You can also find text-based subtitles for your movies and TV shows at sites like OpenSubtitles, where someone else has already done the tedious work of conversion and editing.
If and when you do have a subtitle in text format, specifically SubRip .srt format, you can easily add it to your output video from an external file:
transcode-video --add-srt "/path/to/" "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
Unlike HandBrakeCLI, external subtitle file names are allowed to contain commas.

Using detect-crop

The command to find the video cropping bounds is as simple as:
detect-crop "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
Which prints out something like this:
mpv --no-audio --vf lavfi=[drawbox=0:132:1920:816:invert:1] '/path/to/Movie.mkv'
mpv --no-audio --vf crop=1920:816:0:132 '/path/to/Movie.mkv'

transcode-video --crop 132:132:0:0 '/path/to/Movie.mkv'
Just copy and paste the sample commands to preview or transcode.
If HandBrake and FFmpeg disagree about the cropping values, then detect-crop prints out something like this:
Results differ...

# From HandBrakeCLI:

mpv --no-audio --vf lavfi=[drawbox=0:132:1920:816:invert:1] '/path/to/Movie.mkv'
mpv --no-audio --vf crop=1920:816:0:132 '/path/to/Movie.mkv'

transcode-video --crop 132:132:0:0 '/path/to/Movie.mkv'

# From ffmpeg:

mpv --no-audio --vf lavfi=[drawbox=0:130:1920:820:invert:1] '/path/to/Movie.mkv'
mpv --no-audio --vf crop=1920:820:0:130 '/path/to/Movie.mkv'

transcode-video --crop 130:130:0:0 '/path/to/Movie.mkv'
You'll then need to preview both and decide which to use.
When input is a disc image directory instead of a single file, the detect-crop tool doesn't use FFmpeg, nor does it print out commands to preview the crop.

Using convert-video

The convert-video tool repackages video files, converting them from Matroska to MP4 format or from MP4 to Matroksa format without transcoding the video. It's as simple as:
convert-video "Movie.mkv"
Which creates this MP4 file in the current working directory:
convert-video "Movie.mp4"
Which creates this Matroska file in the current working directory:
If necessary, the convert-video tool may transcode audio tracks to AAC or Dolby Digital AC-3 format when converting to MP4 format.
Chapter markers, metadata such as track titles and most subtitles are converted. However, be aware that any Blu-ray Disc-format subtitles are ignored.

Using query-handbrake-log

The query-handbrake-log tool reports information from HandBrake-generated .log files. While it can certainly work with a single .log file, it really shines with multiple files.
There are four types of information that query-handbrake-log can report on:
One of these information types is required as an argument:
query-handbrake-log time "/path/to/Logs directory/"
Which prints out something like this, time spent transcoding followed by video file name:
01:20:25 Movie.mkv
01:45:10 Another Movie.mkv
02:15:35 Yet Another Movie.mkv


Preparing your media for transcoding

I have four rules when preparing my own media for transcoding:
  1. Use MakeMKV to rip Blu-ray Discs and DVDs.
  2. Rip each selected video as a single Matroska format .mkv file.
  3. Look for forced subtitles and isolate them in their own track.
  4. Convert lossless audio tracks to FLAC format.

Why MakeMKV?

Why a single .mkv file?

Why bother with forced subtitles?

Why convert lossless audio?

Understanding the x264 preset system

The --preset option in transcode-video controls the x264 video encoder, not the other preset system built into HandBrake. It takes a preset name as its single argument:
transcode-video --preset slow "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
The x264 preset names (mostly) reflect their relative speed compared to the default, medium.
Presets faster than medium trade precision and compression efficiency for more speed. You may notice quality loss problems when using these presets, especially as speed increases.
However, you can increase encoding speed by 70-80% with no easily perceptible loss in video quality by using the --quick option instead:
transcode-video --quick "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
Presets slower than medium trade encoding speed for more precision and compression efficiency. Any quality improvement using these presets may not be perceptible for most input.
A faster and more perceptible way to improve quality is to simply raise the target video bitrate 50% by using the --target big option and argument macro:
transcode-video --target big "/path/to/Movie.mkv"

Recommended transcode-video usage

Use the default settings whenever possible.
Use the --mp4 or --m4v options if your target player can't handle Matroska format.
Use the --quick option if you're in a hurry.
Use detect-crop before transcoding to manually review and apply the best crop values.
Don't add audio tracks in their original format that aren't AAC or Dolby Digital AC-3.
Don't add subtitles in their original Blu-ray Disc or DVD format.
Save your .log files so you can mine the data later.

Batch control for transcode-video

Although the transcode-video tool can accept multiple inputs, batch processing is still best handled by a separate script because options can be changed for each input.
A script can simply be a list of commands:
#!/usr/bin/env bash

transcode-video --crop 132:132:0:0 "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
transcode-video "/path/to/Another Movie.mkv"
transcode-video --crop 0:0:240:240 "/path/to/Yet Another Movie.mkv"
But a better solution is to write the script once and supply the list of movies and their crop values separately:
#!/usr/bin/env bash

readonly work="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
readonly queue="$work/queue.txt"
readonly crops="$work/Crops"

input="$(sed -n 1p "$queue")"

while [ "$input" ]; do
    title_name="$(basename "$input" | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//')"

    if [ -f "$crop_file" ]; then
        crop_option="--crop $(cat "$crop_file")"

    sed -i '' 1d "$queue" || exit 1

    transcode-video $crop_option "$input"

    input="$(sed -n 1p "$queue")"
This requires a work directory on disk with three items, one of which is a directory itself:
    Yet Another Movie.txt
The contents of Crops/Movie.txt is simply the crop value for /path/to/Movie.mkv:
And the contents of queue.txt is just the list of movies, full paths without quotes, delimited by carriage returns:
/path/to/Another Movie.mkv
/path/to/Yet Another Movie.mkv
Notice that there's no crop file for /path/to/Another Movie.mkv. This is because it doesn't require cropping.
For other options that won't change from input to input, e.g. --mp4, simply augment the line in the script calling transcode-video:
    transcode-video --mp4 $crop_option "$input"
The transcoding process is started by executing the script:
The path is first deleted from the queue.txt file and then passed as an argument to the transcode-video. tool. To pause after transcode-video returns, simply insert a blank line at the top of the queue.txt file.
These examples are written in Bash and only supply crop values. But almost any scripting language can be used and any option can be changed on a per input basis.


How my special ratecontrol system works

When using transcode-video, you might notice two lines in the console output containing something like this:
options: vbv-maxrate=6000:vbv-bufsize=12000:crf-max=25:qpmax=34

quality: 1.00 (RF)

These are actually the settings used by my special ratecontrol system to configure the x264 video encoder within HandBrake.
My system attempts to produce the highest possible video quality near a target bitrate. That target is automatically determined by transcode-video using the resolution of the input. For example, the default target for 1080p output is 6000 Kbps, which is about one-fifth the video bitrate found on a typical Blu-ray Disc.
The average bitrate (ABR) mode in x264 is normally used to target a specific bitrate. But the ABR algorithm often sacrifices quality in order to maintain that bitrate. Getting acceptable quality with ABR requires multiple passes through the input, a process too slow for many people. And even multiple-pass ABR won't provide sufficient quality for some 1080p video input when bitrate targets are as low as 6000 Kbps.
Instead, I leverage the constant quality ratecontrol system in x264. This algorithm uses a constant ratefactor (CRF) to target a specific quality instead of a bitrate. A CRF is represented by a number from 0 to 51 with lower values indicating higher quality. The special value of 0 is for lossless output.
Unfortunately, the output bitrate is extremely unpredictable when using this CRF-based system. Typically, people pick a middle-level CRF value as their quality target and just hope for the best. This is what most of the presets built into HandBrake do, choosing a CRF of 20 or 22.
But such a strategy can result in output larger than its input or, worse, output too low in quality to be mistaken for that input.
So I set the target CRF value to 1, the best possible "lossy" quality. Normally this would produce a huge output bitrate but I also manipulate the video buffering verifier (VBV) model within x264 to constrain that bitrate.
Typically, the VBV model limits the output bitrate to a generous 25000 Kbps for video playback on devices like the Apple TV or Roku. But I reduce the VBV maximum bitrate (vbv-maxrate) to my target, e.g. 6000 Kbps for 1080p output.
With this approach, x264 chooses the lowest CRF value, and therefore the highest quality, which fits below that ceiling, even if that's usually not a a CRF value of 1.
But manipulating only CRF and vbv-maxrate will not produce high enough quality output in some cases. Why? Sometimes you need a much higher bitrate for complex or difficult to encode passages than what is allowed by vbv-maxrate.
Along with the target CRF value of 1, I set a maximum CRF (crf-max) value of 25, raising the minimum quality. This allows vbv-maxrate to become a "soft" ceiling so that the output bitrate can exceed the target when necessary to maintain that quality.
But just adding a maximum CRF value is not enough. When under pressure to fit within all these constraints, x264 will sometimes generate a single, but still noticeable, very low quality frame. Why? Even though crf-max is set to 25, individual frames can still use a higher quantizer value (QP) of much less quality.
As part of the encoding process, x264 calculates a quantizer value (QP) for each macroblock within a frame of video. A QP is represented by a number from 0 to 69 with lower values indicating higher quality.
So I set a maximum quantizer (qpmax) value of 34, again raising the minimum quality. The occasional bad frame is still there, but it's no longer noticeable because it's now of sufficient quality to blend in with the others.
There's a final change required for the VBV model. I need to set the VBV buffer size (vbv-bufsize) so that my previous adjustment of vbv-maxrate is honored by x264. Otherwise the encoder will just ignore the VBV.
It's safe to set vbv-bufsize anywhere in the range from one half to twice that of vbv-maxrate. However, that larger vbv-bufsize value produces an output bitrate closest to, on average, that of the target. So, if vbv-maxrate is 6000 Kbps, then I set vbv-bufsize to 12000 Kbps.
All these settings are essential for transcoding Blu-ray Discs and DVDs into a smaller, more portable format while remaining high enough quality to be mistaken for the originals. And transcode-video handles that configuration automatically for you.


Should I worry about all these VBV underflow warnings?

No, these warnings are simply a side effect of my special ratecontrol system. The x264 video encoder within HandBrake is just being overly chatty. Ignore it. Nothing is wrong with the output from transcode-video.

Can you make a GUI version of your tools?

My command line tools have the same behavior and scriptable interface across multiple platforms. Developing a GUI application with those requirements is not an investment that I want to make.
Plus, I wouldn't use a GUI for these tasks. And it's a bad idea to develop software that you won't use yourself.

When will you add support for H.265 video?

High Efficiency Video Coding or H.265 is the likely successor to H.264, which is the format currently output by transcode-video. HandBrake has supported H.265 ever since it included the x265 video encoder.
My ratecontrol system couldn't be applied with the x265 encoder in older versions of HandBrake because it didn't allow access to qpmax, critical for maintaining quality in certain situations. The latest version of HandBrake includes a new encoder which fixes that.
But support also requires equivalent quality at a smaller size when using my rate control system. And performance is an issue. While speed continues to improve, the x265 encoder is still considerably slower than the current H.264 system.
You can try experimental HEVC transcoding now with an advanced option:
transcode-video --handbrake-option encoder=x265 "/path/to/Movie.mkv"
But use this only with HandBrakeCLI version 1.0.0 or later.

What about hardware-based video transcoding?

Using hardware with Intel Quick Sync Video instead of software like x264 is certainly faster. HandBrake even supports that hardware on some platforms. However, my default ratecontrol system can't be applied to existing hardware encoders because they lack API to change the necessary settings.
Also, keep in mind that hardware encoders are typically designed for realtime video chat or other similar duties. To maintain that performance, they often take shortcuts with video quality like reducing reference frames, lowering subpixel motion estimation, etc. Such an approach is the equivalent of using the veryfast preset with a software encoder. That's fine for video chat but I wouldn't recommend it for transcoding your disc collection.

Can you add support for Enhanced AC-3 audio?

Dolby Digital Plus or Enhanced AC-3 is a successor to the Dolby Digital AC-3 audio format. AC-3 is the format currently output by transcode-video when surround audio is used as input. HandBrake has supported Enhanced AC-3 since version 1.0.0.
The original AC-3 format is limited to 5.1 audio channels. This means that any 7.1 channel audio track, typically available on Blu-ray Discs, needs to be downmixed during transcoding. The advantage to Enhanced AC-3 is that it can support up to 13.1 audio channels, so no downmixing is necessary.
Unfortunately, Enhanced AC-3 output is currently limited to 5.1 audio channels in HandBrake. I'll consider adding support once an Enhanced AC-3 feature without that limitation is available.

How do you assess video transcoding quality?

I compare by visual inspection. Always with the video in motion, never frame by frame. It's tedious but after years of practice I know which portions of which videos are problematic and difficult to transcode. And I look at those first.
In addition, I use the query-handbrake-log tool to report on ratefactor, the average P-frame quantizer, to get a relative quality assessment from the x264 encoder.
What I don't use are peak signal-to-noise ratios or a structural similarity index in an attempt to objectively compare quality. Although both metrics are available to the x264 encoder, enabling either of them ironically disables key psychovisual optimizations that improve quality.

What options do you use with transcode-video?

I use the default settings. That's why they're the defaults.
I never use the --crop detect function of transcode-video because I don't trust either HandBrakeCLI or ffmpeg to always get it right without supervision. Instead, I use the separate detect-crop tool before transcoding to manually review and apply the best crop values.
I let transcode-video automatically burn any forced subtitles into the output video track when the "forced" flag is enabled in the original.
I never include separate subtitle tracks, but I do add audio commentary tracks.
For a few problematic videos, I have to apply options like --force-rate 23.976 --filter detelecine. But that's rare.
